
Ajax Systems and Sectron organized business breakfast under the motto "Control your Space" in Sofia

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On June 13, 2024, Ajax Systems and Sectron welcomed over 70 security professionals at the modern Planet Schwarz in Sofia for a business breakfast under the motto "Control your Space". The guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the latest products and technologies of Ajax Systems and to ask questions related to the practical operation and setting up of the new products.

Presentation of the New Video Surveillance Product Line

During an event, Ajax Systems' new video surveillance product line, which includes NVR recorders and IP Cameras, was presented: Guests were impressed by Ajax Systems' innovative solutions in the field of video surveillance. The new ones NVR devices and IP cameras: TurretCam, BulletCam and DomeCam Mini offer high resolution, reliability and easy integration with the rest of the company's systems.

Additions to the Fibra Product Line

The second part of the event was dedicated to the new additions to the Fibra product line. The guests had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the new products, which offer an even higher level of security and easier management:

DoorProtect G3 Fibra and KeyPad TouchScreen Fibra: These new devices were introduced with an emphasis on their reliability and convenience. DoorProtect G3 Fibra offers advanced protection of entry points, and KeyPad TouchScreen Fibra makes it easy to manage security systems with its intuitive interface. Guests had the opportunity to see how these products work in real time.

Practical Work with Ajax Spaces

Guests had the unique opportunity to ask questions related to practical work with Ajax Spaces and setting up the new products. Experts from Ajax Systems provided detailed answers and demonstrations, showing how the new systems can be integrated and configured for optimal protection and automation.

The business breakfast in Sofia was extremely successful and provided the guests with valuable information about Ajax Systems' new products and technologies. The event ended with lively discussions and exchange of experiences between security professionals.

Ajax Systems and Sectron express their gratitude to all participants and partners who contributed to the success of the event. We look forward to future initiatives and collaboration opportunities that will continue to offer the best security and automation solutions.