
Cash cassette protection


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Cash cassette protection

Criminal attacks on bank branches, offices and vehicles carrying monetary assets are on the rise worldwide. Criminals are increasingly using new and improved technology in these attacks. Money stored in cash registers is the main target in these attacks. Scorpion helps significantly reduce the risk.

  • Scorpion protects the cash during attacks in most of the cash cartridges in use.
  • Advantages of using the Scorpion system:
  • Safety for personnel
  • Scorpion activates automatically
  • Audio-visual signals to assist personnel in his normal daily work with cartridges
  • Scorpion security system is turned on/off by key or remote control or by another control interface
  • System is automatically activated in a mode guaranteeing the highest level of security in any moment or situation.
  • Reducing attacks on service personnel will reduce personnel and operational costs.